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收集 highlights and roadmap

作为跨物理领域的科学研究的数据库, 工程, 新萄新京十大正规网站 收集深受全球知名研究机构的信赖.

新萄新京十大正规网站 收集和收集 Analytics不断更新和改进,以确保我们为客户提供高质量的内容, 特性, 和指标.

Three key areas of focus for 新萄新京十大正规网站 收集 include

Adding trusted content

To help our customers keep pace with the latest research.

Enriching 收集 records


Advancing functionality and analytic capability



Adding trusted content

As a publisher-neutral database, 新萄新京十大正规网站 收集通过定期审查和更新其索引标题列表来跟上最新研究的步伐.

For additional information about our content, including a full list of journals indexed by 收集, please visit our content and 报道 webpage.

有关新萄新京十大正规网站考试内容和选择政策的更多信息,请参阅我们的 information for publishers webpage.

2023 highlights

  • / (1.7 million records added: In 2023 收集 added more than 1.7 million records, surpassing 24 million total indexed records.
  • First to index new publications: 2023年,收集成为第一个接受新发行游戏内容的数据库,包括:APL 能源 (AIP), APL Machine Learning (AIP), ASME Open Journal of Engineering (ASME), 和ASCE OPEN:土木工程多学科期刊(ASCE).
  • SAE Technical Papers: 收集 commenced indexing of SAE Technical Papers, significantly expanding 报道 of mechanical 工程 content.
  • J-STAGE: 14 additional titles from J-STAGE were accepted for indexing, expanding our 报道 of valuable Japanese research content.
  • AAAS: 来自AAAS的2篇论文,Science Robotics和Science Advances也被收录.
  • Chinese content enhancements: 2023年开始实施第一阶段中文期刊收录工作, with further phases to follow in 2024.

What’s coming in 2024?


  • First to index new publications: 2024年,收集成为第一个接受包括生物光子学发现(SPIE)和APL量子(AIP)在内的新出版期刊内容的数据库。. New launches from IEEE, ACM, 新萄新京十大正规网站 will also be indexed during 2024.
  • KeAI: KeAI期刊组合中的另外39种期刊将被添加到收集, covering core subjects such as AI, 数据科学, 能源, 材料, Transportation and Automation.
  • Mary-Ann Liebert: 收集将开始索引以下高影响力期刊:3D打印和增材制造, 天体生物学, 大数据, Soft Robotics, Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, Tissue Engineering.
  • Royal 社会 of Chemistry (RSC): 收集将索引来自英国皇家化学学会(RSC)的另外14个标题的内容,涵盖能源等主题, environmental science and materials.
  • ProQuest Dissertation & 论文: 收集将扩大这一有价值的早期研究材料来源的覆盖面, focusing on core 工程 topics.


Enriching 收集 records

新萄新京十大正规网站 收集严格的索引流程提供了全面的记录,支持增强的发现和精确分析.

每年, 收集团队根据新出现的研究趋势对收集词典进行评估和更新,以反映最新的科学进展,并与现代研究保持同步. For detailed information about the most recent thesaurus updates, please visit our guides and support webpage.

In addition to annual thesaurus updates, 收集团队还致力于添加新的数据字段来丰富收集记录.

2023 highlights

  • 2023 Thesaurus update: 2023年年度词典评估产生了18个新的主题分类代码, 44 new controlled terms, and 91 new lead-ins.
  • Preprints Document Type: 收集 launched a new document type specifically for Preprints, so that this valuable content is more easily discoverable. 收集 has indexed content from arXiv since 2015.
  • 中国共产党代码: 从2023年起,合作专利分类(CPC)代码被添加到收集记录中. 这是对收集中已经包含的现有国际专利分类(IPC)代码的补充,为识别相关研究内容提供了另一种有价值的方法.
  • Open Access identification: 收集中确定为开放获取的项目数量超过400万,并且引入了更细粒度的标签, aligned to the Unpaywall Status labels (Gold, 绿色, 混合动力, 青铜)
  • Funding data: Expanded the range of funding data, 该项目的第二阶段将2019年至今的数据添加到收集记录中.

What’s coming in 2024?

  • 2024 Thesaurus update: The 2024 annual thesaurus assessment resulted in: 13 new subject classification code; 1 demoted code; 42 new controlled terms (including 7 promoted lead-ins); and 121 new lead-ins.
  • Multimedia Document Type: 2024年计划增加一种新的文档类型来索引视频/多媒体内容, including conference presentations.
  • References data: 收集 will significantly expand the range of References data, 增加了与收集记录相关的参考文献的数量,并使研究项目之间能够进一步联系.
  • Improved research integrity process: 一种更快、更广泛的处理更正、撤回的方式 & Errata (CRE) will become operational in 2024.
  • Additional datasets under investigation: 收集正在评估几个额外的数据集和工具,以支持研究用户, including Preprint-Journal article identification and linking.


Advancing functionality and analytic capability

新萄新京十大正规网站 收集根据客户需求和反馈开发新功能,以继续推进我们产品的功能和分析能力.


What’s coming to 收集 Analytics in 2024?

  • Saved 搜索es: Adding the ability to save favourite pages, filters & views and access them through a personal dashboard.
  • Landing redirect:自动将用户从已知的客户IP范围重定向到他们的机构页面.
  • Integration with vendor platforms改进了从供应商平台到收集 Analytics概念页面的链接, “显示文章”链接回到客户首选的发现平台.
  • Funding bodies for organisations: 扩展收集 Analytics Plus中的资助数据,以显示组织在特定主题上的产出的资助机构.

Further developments under investigation for 2024 and beyond*:

  • Static and dynamic alerts:允许用户自动接收他们保存的搜索的pdf报告, 并在所选数据发生变化时接收动态报告
  • Concept page summaries: 向概念页添加所有受控术语和主题分类的文本描述.
  • Citation and reference maps: Using 收集 citation data to show institutional citation networks.

*Subject to customer feedback.
